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Chen Ziji, Director of the Department of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education: Deepen the reform of the construction of modern vocational education system and constantly optimize the type positioning of vocational education


-- Interview with Chen Ziji, Director of the Department of Vocational Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education

2022年12月,The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and The General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Construction of the Modern Vocational Education System (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions),The "Opinions" are guided by the implementation of the Party's 20 major deployments,It is based on the all-round development of people and the high-quality development of economy and society,We will coordinate the collaborative innovation of vocational education, higher education and continuing education,推进职普融通、产教融合、科教融汇,革新职业教育理念,破解长期制约职业教育发展瓶颈,不断优化职业教育类型定位,撬动教育综合改革,It is of great significance and far-reaching influence on the coordinated promotion of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, and the strategy of innovation-driven development。

First, the top-level design of modern vocational education system construction reform in the new era

Editorial Department: "Opinions" is a strategic plan to promote the construction and reform of modern vocational education system in the new era, and what new propositions are specifically put forward?

Chen Ziji: The Opinions break the traditional cognition of "dwarfizing" and "narrowing" vocational education, directly attack the difficulties and pain points in reform practice, and put forward a series of new ideas, new viewpoints and new judgments, which are of great theoretical and practical value。

First, the functional orientation of vocational education has shifted from "seeking employment" to "people-oriented", paying more attention to the all-round development of serving people。Vocational education is an important way to promote employment, but it is by no means a simple employment education。《2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐》重申了职业教育的定位,就是要服务人的全面发展,Establish and improve a gradient vocational education and training system featuring multi-form connectivity, multi-channel growth and sustainable development,推动职普协调发展、相互融通,So that students with different endowments and needs can choose multiple times and diversify their talents,这对扭转社会对职业教育的鄙视,Dispelling the educational anxiety caused by the job-general separation has an important effect。

Second, the focus of vocational education reform has shifted from "education" to "production and education", and paid more attention to serving economic and social development。The integration of production and education is the basic feature and the biggest advantage of modern vocational education, and it is also the difficulty and focus of reform。At present, the reason why some vocational colleges are difficult to develop their characteristics is mostly because school teaching and vocational needs are not closely combined。"Teaching" can achieve high-quality development only by continuous interaction and deep integration with "profession" or "production"。《2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐》直面产教融合中的堵点问题,坚持系统思维,This paper puts forward the system design of building city-wide industry-education consortium and industry-education integration community,Linking vocational education with industry progress, industrial transformation and regional development,充分发挥各自优势,创新良性互动机制,Solve the problem that the supply side of talent training and the industrial demand side are not well matched。

Third, the vocational education service field has shifted from "regional" to "overall", paying more attention to supporting the new development pattern。Based on the new development pattern, the Opinions plan and deploy the development of vocational education in both domestic and international fields。一方面,服务区域经济社会发展,Promoting production by teaching, teaching assistant by production, integration of production and teaching, cooperation between production and learning,Promote the formation of a modern vocational education structure and regional layout that meet market demand and match industrial structure;On the other hand,Based on regional advantages, development strategies, pillar industries and talent needs,建立健全职业教育国际合作机制,Make our vocational education move from "one-way introduction and reference" to "two-way Co-construction and sharing",服务国家“一带一路”倡议,服务国际产能合作和中国企业走出去,Gradually form an international development model of vocational education with Chinese characteristics。

Fourth, the development path of vocational education has shifted from "classification" to "collaboration", and more attention has been paid to coordinating the collaborative innovation of the three education。Vocational education and general education are two different types of education, with the same important status, but they are not parallel or opposite。"Opinions" on the basis of consolidating the characteristics of vocational education types and improving the key school-running capabilities of vocational schools,进一步明确了职业教育类型定位,推动各种教育类型优势互补、交叉融合,Obey and serve the common goal of "running a satisfactory education for the people",To obey and serve the common great cause of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

Fifth, the main body of vocational education has shifted from "single" to "multiple", and paid more attention to the participation of social forces。Deepening the reform of vocational education system construction is an integrated project, the core strength is to establish a cooperative development mechanism of government, industry, enterprises and schools, and the core goal is to complete the transformation of the pattern of government-sponsored education to government overall management and diverse social participation。The "Opinions" make new arrangements from the form and content of running schools, encourage and support local and key industries to combine their own characteristics and advantages, and take the lead in the construction and reform of the vocational education system。

Editorial Department: In recent years, the state has intensively introduced vocational education policies, compared with previous documents,《2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐》着重解决哪几个方面的问题?

陈子季:新时代以来的10年,习近平总书记一直心系职业教育,特别是党的十九大后,党中央、国务院连续发文,高位部署职业教育改革工作。These policy documents, not only the strategic positioning is more and more prominent, but also the practical requirements are more and more clear。The "National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan" issued in 2019 mainly clarifies the framework and reform blueprint of China's vocational education system。2021年4月,The National Vocational Education Conference made a series of major deployments to accelerate the construction of a high-quality modern vocational education system,The Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Modern Vocational Education issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and The General Office of the State Council have clarified the target framework, key tasks and schedule for building a modern vocational education system。In 2022, the newly revised Vocational Education Law will raise the practical experience of vocational education reform to the legislative level。This "opinion" is actually a further deepening of the reform of system construction, which is to use the idea of systematic design, engineering promotion, and collaborative combat, focusing on solving three problems。

First, the concept of development, that is, how to view vocational education。It is necessary to take people-oriented as the basic orientation of vocational education development, and truly face the all-round development of students and economic and social development。Let students with different endowments find suitable education for their future career development, and find suitable ways and Spaces for their own development。To support the transformation and upgrading of local industries and serve the national strategy, promote lifelong learning, and establish a learning society and a learning country to provide strong support。

The second is the problem of development path, that is, how to do vocational education。就是要立足职业教育的类型特色和规律,以深化产教融合为突破口,以推进职普融通为关键点,以促进科教融汇为新方向,Accelerate the establishment of a government-led, multi-participation, demand-driven, open and integrated modern vocational education system,重塑职业教育生态,Then promote the functional orientation of vocational education, reform focus and service field changes。

三是主体责任的问题,谁来干职业教育。Vocational education can not be simply understood as the education run by vocational schools,The reform of vocational education involves all aspects of government, industry, enterprise and school,是一项系统工程,We will thoroughly reverse problems such as low quality and low attractiveness of vocational education,既要近期中期远期相结合,也要统筹考虑宏观中观微观,还要充分发挥我们的政治组织制度优势。基于此,This time, the "Opinions" will be the foundation of the reform in the regional, industry-oriented vocational education system framework,The four beams and eight pillars are the production-education consortium and the production-education integration community,通过开辟职业教育体制机制创新试验田,Build an effective mechanism for benign interaction and coordinated promotion between the central and local governments,Ultimately, vocational education will be upgraded to promote international production capacity cooperation, enhance the international impact of education, and serve the overall strategic resources of national diplomacy。

Second, we will firmly promote the construction and reform of the modern vocational education system

Editorial Office: The Opinions put forward three strategic tasks. How do these three strategic tasks reflect the new propositions you just mentioned?

Chen Ziji: The Opinions put forward three strategic tasks, which can be summarized as "one body" and "two wings".。

"One body", that is, to explore a new model of provincial modern vocational education system construction, which is the foundation of reform。具体来讲,It is necessary to focus on national and regional development plans and major strategies,Select provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) with urgent needs, conditions and willingness to explore reform,在产教融合、职普融通等方面改革突破,以点上的改革突破带动面上高质量发展,Form a batch of new experience and new paradigm that can be replicated and promoted,Optimize the institutional environment and ecology conducive to the development of vocational education。

"Two wings", that is, the city industry and education consortium and the industry industry and education integration community, which is the carrier of reform。一方面,支持省级人民政府以产业园区为基础,To build a combination of industry and education with the functions of personnel training, innovation and entrepreneurship, and promoting high-quality development of industrial economy,Establish a council with the participation of government, enterprises, schools, scientific research institutions and other parties,实行实体化运作,集聚资金、技术、人才、政策等要素,有效推动各类主体深度参与职业教育。另一方面,优先选择重点行业和重点领域,We will support leading enterprises and high-level universities and vocational schools in taking the lead,A cross-regional community of integrated production and education involving schools, scientific research institutions, and upstream and downstream enterprises will be established,汇聚产教资源,开展委托培养、订单培养和学徒制培养,Carry out pre-job training, on-the-job training and continuing education for employees of industrial enterprises,建设技术创新中心,为行业提供稳定的人力资源和技术支撑。

Editorial Department: What is the difference between the two wings you just mentioned: "Building a city-level industry-education consortium and an industry-education integration community"?

陈子季:联合体和共同体,Both are carriers of education and industry complementation and integration, symbiosis and common growth,From the construction principle, it is necessary to ask the industry, ask the enterprise, and ask the application,It is necessary to insist on promoting production through teaching, teaching assistants through production, integration of production and teaching, and cooperation between production and learning,However, they have their own emphasis on the main body of construction, service orientation and reform focus。The city-wide industry-education consortium focuses on serving the economic and social development of the city。Led by local governments, it is regional and focuses on integrating various resources on the basis of industrial parks, effectively promoting the active participation of various subjects in vocational education, and promoting personnel training, innovation and entrepreneurship, and high-quality development of the industrial economy。Industry industry education integration community, focus on service industry industrial development。It is jointly led by leading enterprises and high-level universities and vocational schools, and is cross-regional, combining schools, scientific research institutions, upstream and downstream enterprises, etc., bringing together production and education resources, and giving play to the important leading and guiding role of the industry in the reform and development of vocational education。

Editorial Department: What is the main purpose of the five key tasks proposed in the Opinions?具体是如何考虑的?

Chen Ziji: The five key tasks are mainly put forward in response to the difficulties and difficulties encountered in the development of vocational education, and their main purpose is to continuously improve the quality of vocational education and realize the self-reliance of vocational education。

一是提升职业学校关键办学能力。Around the modern manufacturing industry, modern service industry, modern agriculture urgently needed professional areas,Set up a group of national professional education core capacity building expert team,Build a batch of core courses, quality textbooks, teacher teams, and practical projects,Select a group of national vocational education professional teaching resources, online quality courses and virtual simulation training bases,做大做强职业教育智慧教育平台,扩大优质资源共享,服务全民终身学习和技能型社会建设。Formulate a new round of higher vocational "double high plan" selection plan and secondary vocational "double excellent plan" implementation opinions, select and build a number of high-level secondary and higher vocational colleges and majors。

二是建设“双师型”教师队伍。Relying on leading enterprises and high-level universities to build a number of national vocational education "double-qualified" teacher training bases。To promote the identification of "double qualified" teachers in vocational education, and guide all localities to formulate provincial standards and implementation measures for the identification of "double qualified" teachers。We implemented the national plan to improve the quality of teachers in vocational schools, and selected a number of colleges and universities to carry out targeted training for vocational school teachers who graduate with professional degrees。Implement the training program of famous principals and teachers (famous craftsmen) in vocational schools, break the boundaries of "vocational" and "teaching", and adopt a combination of fixed and mobile posts to attract experts to teach in vocational schools。

三是建设开放型区域产教融合实践中心。启动高水平实践中心建设项目,通过政府搭台、多元参与、市场驱动,We will provide differentiated support to local governments, enterprises and schools,A number of public practice centers, enterprise practice centers and school practice centers, which are integrated with practical teaching, social training, real production and technical service functions, shall be built by classification。

四是拓展学生成长成才通道。One of the main reasons why some parents do not want to send their children to vocational schools is that they feel that vocational schools have relatively narrow channels for further study and success。In order to make the upward space of vocational education more and more broad, make vocational education more and more competitive, attractive, we must make different levels of vocational education, so that vocational education and general education。《2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐》提出,支持各省因地制宜制定职教高考方案,制定职业教育贯通培养指导意见,Construct a new path from secondary vocational education, higher vocational education to professional degree postgraduate education through training,Junior high school graduates receive secondary vocational education or five-year higher vocational education through high school entrance examination;Secondary vocational and ordinary high school graduates receive specialized higher vocational education, vocational undergraduate education or applied undergraduate education through the vocational education college entrance examination,They can also receive general higher education through the general college entrance examination;Vocational and higher vocational graduates can receive vocational undergraduate education or applied undergraduate education through the entrance examination;Qualified junior college graduates and vocational graduates may receive postgraduate education through the postgraduate entrance examination,Form a systematic mechanism for the cultivation of technical skills。

五是创新国际交流与合作机制。We will continue to ensure the success of the World Conference on the Development of Vocational and Technical Education and the World Vocational College Skills Competition, promote the development of education along with the output and the cooperation between industry and education, build a platform for international cooperation in vocational education, and ultimately turn vocational education into a strategic resource for international cooperation。We will launch a project to build high-level international vocational schools, select a group of international benchmarking schools, and introduce a group of internationally influential professional standards, curriculum standards and high-quality teaching resources。

Editorial Department: In recent years, the society has been very concerned about the problem of vocational education students' growth channels, and the "Opinions" also proposed to "establish and improve the gradient vocational education and training system with multi-form connection, multi-channel growth and sustainable development". How do you consider the specific work?

Chen Ziji: The Opinions put forward specific measures in four aspects。一是优化职业学校和专业结构布局,We will build a number of high-level vocational schools and specialties that meet the needs of economic and social development and the training of technical and skilled personnel。We will explore the development of comprehensive high schools, promote diversified development of secondary vocational education, and support high-level universities to participate in vocational education reform。二是推动中高职贯通衔接培养,We will support high-quality secondary vocational schools and higher vocational schools in jointly running schools for five years, and promote the link between secondary vocational education and vocational undergraduate education。三是完善职业教育考试招生制度,We will improve the "cultural quality + vocational skills" examination and enrollment method, further expand the enrollment scale of application-oriented undergraduate schools in the vocational education college entrance examination, and make overall arrangements for enrollment plans by local governments in accordance with the annual enrollment scale approved by the state。四是打通高职毕业生升学深造渠道,We will improve the special methods for undergraduate schools to recruit vocational school graduates with work experience, and establish examination methods and training methods for students in vocational schools that meet the characteristics of students in vocational schools。

这些举措释放出的强烈信号,充分表明职业教育不是“终结教育”,也不是“低层次教育”,更不是“淘汰教育”,而是特色鲜明的一种教育类型,接受职业教育的学生,既可以升学,也可以就业,还可以先就业再升学,To maximize the expansion of students diversified, multi-path growth channels。In the next step, we need to continue to expand the space for the growth of technical skills and talents, while supporting further local innovation。For example, we support high-level universities and enterprises in key industries to recruit particularly excellent vocational graduates who have certain work experience in the production line, and train professional master's degree graduates in the school-enterprise cooperation project system。In short, it is necessary to design conversion channels for different stages and different types of education, so that students can realize multiple choices in employment and education according to their interests, abilities and own development, and also provide enterprises with opportunities for re-learning and further promotion。

(Source: This article is extracted from China Vocational and Technical Education, No. 1, 2023, and the original text is from the Editorial Department of China Vocational and Technical Education.Deepening the reform of modern vocational education system construction and Continuously Optimizing the Type Orientation of Vocational Education -- An interview with Chen Ziji, Director of the Department of Vocational Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education)